Visual studio 2010 fails to build "resgen.exe error" ResXtoResources
hello, my visual studio 2010 fails to compile. it did work fine before I ran the SP1 for Window 7 x64. it always fails on build "ResXtoResources.exe Error" resgen.exe / even with a clean project I have tried to deinstall / install the framework 3.5 from components i have tried the repair the 4.0 client profile / then 4.0 full i have tried to repair VS 2010, but nothing helps. the net fx setupverifier reports (dont know if it is related) "****ERROR**** File C:\Windows\Assembly\GAC_64\mscorlib\\sorttbls.nlp is not installed on the system" any suggestions? regards pascal
May 9th, 2011 10:10am

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